Sunday, June 28, 2009

alpha male

never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves never join a pack of wolves.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear Michael Jackson,
You totally stole Farrah Fawcett's tragic death spotlight. Also, that dude from PBS and Ed McMahon. Your unadulterated need for attention is not appreciated and will not go unnoticed.

Imma go listen to Thriller now and give up on this stupid topical post.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Losing your shit in silence in dark in nowhere in florida is a hell of an experience. It fills a notebook up real quickly and leaves you with sleeplessness in a sweaty van and a kind of hangover the next morning. Attempts at optimism are necessary.

The past week has been wild if nothing else. Drunk on the beach by noon central time in Savannah to bump into friends from central illinois was certainly interesting.

a night in philadelphia with a good friend to discuss the finer points of feelings.

a boner story in dc that rivals the majority of the boner stories i've been involved in.

north carolina handed us one of the more ridiculous gatherings of people i've been involved in, propositions galore with the added bonus of Four Loko, an interesting 24oz combination of caffeine, sugar and 11% alcohol.

a burnt skin now keeps me feeling uncomfortable but alive, and the lack of knowledge regarding sleeping arrangements or evening plans makes me want to read more books instead of giving a shit.

I plan on sweating and conversing for the next few days.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gonna leave this town at the crack of dawn tomorrow, and i feel pretty great to leave my good ol' home-self behind for a bit. Ocean swimming, a bunch of new friends and a couple old friends will be therapeutic to say the least. Thinking about these shows we're playing, I realized most of them are at radical or at least progressive thinking locations, and that makes sense. You know, it's the type of kids we all hang out with. But upon further self-inspection, I realized that none of my songs are inherently political in any sense, and if one is to even attempt to look for politics in the songs, the shit is few and far between. So I hope all the anarchopunx on the east coast like songs about heartache, pubic hairs, alcohol, twin peaks and heartache.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

sick as fuck. tried to go to bed early last night, but was somehow sucked into the movie cider house rules. i felt stupid for laying around a 1 am watching a pretty silly movie. i generally hate period pieces and love stories, but i found myself stuck in my basement with snot running down my face, a brutal headache and a bowl of ice cream. wtf am i doing with my life. i stopped watching it 20 minutes before the end when i realized i didn't care how it ended.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


There's this strange sense of total loss of any grip i had on myself. I look around during the day and feel like i'm missing something, completely slipping past moments and objects and getting crosseyed in the process. Like the things I used to comprehend are stealing their meaning from me, and I'm letting it happen. It's hard to describe, but all I feel is lost and angry so i swear more. and i smoke more. and I just ate a bunch of pizza about it. and now I'm going to drive to normal, il to sing about it.